We may not have it all together but together we can have it all. NPC The Monitor’s current issue entitled, ”Championing the Gains in Public Safety Education and Giving Gratitude to Transformational Leaders” pays tribute to the men and women of visionary, exemplary, and transformational leaders of the National Police College over the past eight years.
Our accomplishments and level of performance have readied us to carry on with our CARING Strategy. We outlined here what our 2022 will be like. Our recognition that COVID-19 and peace issues continue to be part of our context, made us more
determined to proceed.
We will be forever grateful and indebted to our PPSC President, DR. RICARDO F. DE LEON, Director of NPC, DR. ROMEO S. MAGSALOS, PPSC VP for Administration, PBGEN FERNANDINO G SEVILLA, and VP for Academics, PMGEN CEDRICK G TRAIN, CSEE. As we turn the pages, we hope that the inspiration will be there as well as the motivation to continue as we present our achievements and our plans.
This issue narrates what we have joyously and painstakingly accomplished from January to June of 2022 such as the Graduation Ceremonies of PSOBC Lateral Classes 2021-01 to 11 (SinagTanglaw Class), PSOBC for PNPA “AlabKalis Class” of 2022, MPSA Classes in BARMM, Davao, PPSC Head Office, and Bicol, MCDRM CL 2020 (Batch 4) and the historic first batch of PSOAC Ladderized MCDRM Batch 5 and PSOAC 2021-09 Pampanga.
Our continuing efforts to strengthen the faculty and search for
competent people and experts thru the NPC Faculty Fellowship 2022. Our online platforms will be highly usable and preferred. Our graduates will be sought-after leaders. We will be steps
ahead in discovering new technologies and push for full operationalization of NPC Centers and Campuses. We will be focused to attain our goal of being a premier educational institution on public safety and security. Finally, our motivation will be the leadership and innovation set by our former and current leaders and mentors and seeing the next generations take part in and benefit from our programs. We cannot do this alone, together everyone achieves more!